RCYK series armored permanent tape type iron remover


◆ The armored belt with unique design can effectively prevent the damage of sharp ferromagnetic impurities to the belt, and the operation is economical.

◆ High magnetic field strength, large gradient and strong suction at rated height.

◆ No need for electric excitation, energy saving, automatic iron unloading, convenient operation.

◆ As a magnetic source, the rare earth NdFeB permanent magnetic material has stable and reliable magnetic properties.

◆ It has the function of automatic correction of the belt, and the specially made sealed bearing seat can adapt to the harsh environmental conditions.

◆ Compact and reasonable structure, convenient maintenance, and long-term trouble free safe operation.

◆ It has complete specifications, including ordinary type conforming to the national standard, super strong type higher than the national standard, and explosion-proof type.



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